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    Oda Ryota (Done)

    Oda Ryota

    Posts : 43

    Oda Ryota (Done) Empty Oda Ryota (Done)

    Post by Oda Ryota Fri Apr 22, 2016 8:23 pm

    Oda Ryota (Done) LqT86V8

    Name: Oda Ryota
    Nickname/Alias: Fallen Knight
    Gender: Male
    Age: nineteen
    Birthday: 09/22
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Race: Human (Self Explanatory)

    Who is Oda? Truly he is a rather interesting and complex individual for some and yet a open book to others, however, which would you be able to call him is something of a paradox for he will only allow himself to be read by those he would deem worth or seemingly entertaining for one reason or another truly making him a man that is rather self – centered and seemingly selfish for truly he doesn't care for the outcome from letting a person or group know his plans as long as he can find some fun, chaos, mischief, or entertainment from the events that would ensue. Thus it can be said he is a man purely looking for his own pleasure through this existence not truly caring for anything anymore than something else which comes true from his usual quote that he would say to those that he interacts with and views to be worthy of something like a conversation or interaction...

    "Truly what can be gold today, can be turned into rubbish tomorrow... Thus what is valuable one day can become trash the next..."

    Thus he formed into a rather indirect individual truly using his words to guide the hearts of others and hide his true intent from those he viewed truly not needed within the long term plan but needed their support or power for the moments and events to come, thus he is a man that can't truly be held to his word for what his word could mean in the moment can't swiftly change within the upcoming ones. This also has caused him to be seen as very headstrong and observant for once he is set within his ways there is very little if anything that can sway him from carrying them out or changing the ideal of which he is attempting to instill within the world or organization(s). Though additionally this has made him become more observant so as to always catch the small details in the way someone may move or talk that would lead toward their true intents or meanings behind their words, in addition making him better at talking and convincing those around him most of the time for he will find what makes the tick whether to lead them down the path he desires within himself or simply to get the reaction out of them of which he would like to see transpire, thus he remains an aloof enigma as to always have the option of going one way or another truly being that of his alignment to this world.

    Therefore, with his personality seemingly set within the above text he could very well be called someone of a rather manipulative and chaotic nature, truly never attempting to do anything that would benefit the world or those around him but rather simply to improve himself and his quest for never ending chaos, mischief, and entertainment. With this he doesn't truly feed into the chaotic evil reality in which people truly kill simply for they feel that have to or are entitled to the right but rather kills those who are within his way or that he truly deems worthy of his efforts and magical expense. However, this is only a mere portion of what makes this man such an enigmatic individual for this may be what some may see though other could easily turn around and see a rather mellow philosopher that merely wishes to spread his message around the world and find other like minded individuals keen to himself that simply wish to find amusement and understand of the life they are within regardless of the means in which they find this, whether it be through killing those of strong intent and capability, enjoying the mysterious within the world they find themselves within, or something more simplistic as simply filling the world with joyous sounds and laughter from the things they do. However, with this he has formed himself into a rather charismatic individual that picks his words seemingly very wisely as he goes into every situation attempting to be prepared for all that is possible to come and the events that truly will befall this world at some point or another.

    He is a philosopher of life always striving to find yet untold mysteries and entertainment within the world and attempt to achieve what many may call the impossible, he has a passion that drives him that many say has seemingly become lost within this world. He is an easy – going mellow fellow who strives for the yet known and possibly the yet to be unknown, however, he doesn’t truly force his philosophy down the throats of those he encounters or socializes it yet instead seeks to simply enlighten their minds into something they themselves perhaps couldn’t have seen without the help of another. This is a quality that he truly will and intends to search the world to find instead of what many call the normal and the sane he strives to find like-minded thinkers in the search for what else may be beyond this seemingly primitive world. This is why he had taken up the art of magic for it to him isn’t simply a weapon to make the minds and bodies of others crumble to a paste of nothing but rather a chance to enter one’s mind to explore their mind and soul and perhaps open them into a world they couldn’t have seen without you…

    In addition, he puts up a rather interesting façade of being that of a benevolent individual always attempting to disgust his actions as being that of a kind and warm hearted nature, Though even being a mellow individual that puts up a façade at time he still has a rather odd extremely intimidating side of his personality. He has a certain level of respect for all of his fellow guild members, former and present, and has utter faith in their abilities. He possesses a strong winners-mentality, believing that winners get everything in life while losers are denied all, however, this mentality has become a development from his long journey across this world and has also found and views his power and skill as of that of another realm not truly becoming arrogant from this opinion but rather simply that seeing it as his opinion to have confidence within himself for he must be doing something correctly and striving toward the right goals if he has lived this long without fail…

    Dancing: It is a musing how much dance actually is within every day life, and this grew to fascinate Oda. Thus as time continued on he has always had a rather weird connection with dance as he see's it in everyday life.

    Illusions: Illusions was always something that interested him for it was a form of mystery and trickery that not everyone could grasp and that is truly why it pulled him in for it wasn't for everyone but it felt like it was just up his ally.

    Cherry Blossoms: These flowers simply smell and look very appealing the Oda and where one of the more lush trees where he was raised thus always having a connection and attraction toward them in a sense of liking them.

    Weakness: weakness is something he can't afford to have as he is seeking strong fighters and new challenges everyday thus he hates finding weakness within people or within himself truly having a love hate relationship with it, for without weakness their is no room for improvement but with weakness someone people are truly just worthless within his eyes for life leaving yet another person simply to bore him.

    Boredom: Same as eternal boredom, it just sucks being bored and for him he would rather be out causing mischief than simply sitting around being bored with life.

    Laziness: If you aren't doing something whether it be good or bad than truly why are you alive thus he finds laziness simply another sign of humanities devolution as people grow less and less ambitious.

    Overpowered: Being over powered would lead to a never ending such for someone stronger than him, thus he simply attempts to remain strong without pushing the limits to far and becoming bored with even himself in life.

    World peace: Is the most boring ideal and one and everyone has tried to achieve thus with the stall nature that it is surrounded with Oda as chosen to fear it for if it becomes a thing what truly would motivate anyone to improve and grow thus lowly causing the world around him to lose the fun and excitement it truly carries every day.

    Eternal Boredom: No one likes being bored, and an eternity of simply being bored would be the worst possible punishment thus he truly fears this becoming a reality.

    Excellent Fighters: Oda always seeks a challenge to push his own self further and keep him equally entertained thus find, meeting, battling, or talking with strong fighters or individuals drives him for a rather unknown reason even to himself.

    Mischief: This is a great motivator of Oda for a rather simply reason honestly, because he is a man that truly loves illusions, thus one thing with illusions is the way one wishes to use them is it for fun and creative moments or rather to cause mischief and chaos around them or at least that his how he views it, thus with a love for illusions he has chosen the side of mischief for without mischief how can one understand fun?

    Self Preservation: He is a man that loves himself and can be clearly seen as self centered in the right light thus self preservation is a motivation for him simply so that he doesn't lose his edge and can continue causing mischief and achieving his goals throughout time.

    Oda Ryota (Done) PUTnENy
    Hair: Fuchsia (For length look at picture)
    Eyes: Right Eye: Blue, Left Eye: Yellow
    Skin: Pale
    Height: 6’1.5 ft
    Weight: 210 lbs.
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Oda Ryota (Done) JGbM3fC

    Guild: Guildless
    Guild Mark Location: Middle of the back
    Guild Mark Color: Black with a red flare background
    Rank: B Rank
    Oda Ryota

    Posts : 43

    Oda Ryota (Done) Empty Re: Oda Ryota (Done)

    Post by Oda Ryota Thu Apr 28, 2016 6:26 pm

    Kyoto Vyner

    Posts : 358

    Oda Ryota (Done) Empty Re: Oda Ryota (Done)

    Post by Kyoto Vyner Sat Apr 30, 2016 1:58 pm

    Oda Ryota wrote:
    Oda Ryota (Done) LqT86V8

    Name: Oda Ryota
    Nickname/Alias: Fallen Knight
    Gender: Male
    Age: nineteen
    Birthday: 09/22
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Race: Human (Self Explanatory)

    Who is Oda? Truly he is a rather interesting and complex individual for some and yet a open book to others, however, which would you be able to call him is something of a paradox for he will only allow himself to be read by those he would deem worth or seemingly entertaining for one reason or another truly making him a man that is rather self – centered and seemingly selfish for truly he doesn't care for the outcome from letting a person or group know his plans as long as he can find some fun, chaos, mischief, or entertainment from the events that would ensue. Thus it can be said he is a man purely looking for his own pleasure through this existence not truly caring for anything anymore than something else which comes true from his usual quote that he would say to those that he interacts with and views to be worthy of something like a conversation or interaction...

    "Truly what can be gold today, can be turned into rubbish tomorrow... Thus what is valuable one day can become trash the next..."

    Thus he formed into a rather indirect individual truly using his words to guide the hearts of others and hide his true intent from those he viewed truly not needed within the long term plan but needed their support or power for the moments and events to come, thus he is a man that can't truly be held to his word for what his word could mean in the moment can't swiftly change within the upcoming ones. This also has caused him to be seen as very headstrong and observant for once he is set within his ways there is very little if anything that can sway him from carrying them out or changing the ideal of which he is attempting to instill within the world or organization(s). Though additionally this has made him become more observant so as to always catch the small details in the way someone may move or talk that would lead toward their true intents or meanings behind their words, in addition making him better at talking and convincing those around him most of the time for he will find what makes the tick whether to lead them down the path he desires within himself or simply to get the reaction out of them of which he would like to see transpire, thus he remains an aloof enigma as to always have the option of going one way or another truly being that of his alignment to this world.

    Therefore, with his personality seemingly set within the above text he could very well be called someone of a rather manipulative and chaotic nature, truly never attempting to do anything that would benefit the world or those around him but rather simply to improve himself and his quest for never ending chaos, mischief, and entertainment. With this he doesn't truly feed into the chaotic evil reality in which people truly kill simply for they feel that have to or are entitled to the right but rather kills those who are within his way or that he truly deems worthy of his efforts and magical expense. However, this is only a mere portion of what makes this man such an enigmatic individual for this may be what some may see though other could easily turn around and see a rather mellow philosopher that merely wishes to spread his message around the world and find other like minded individuals keen to himself that simply wish to find amusement and understand of the life they are within regardless of the means in which they find this, whether it be through killing those of strong intent and capability, enjoying the mysterious within the world they find themselves within, or something more simplistic as simply filling the world with joyous sounds and laughter from the things they do. However, with this he has formed himself into a rather charismatic individual that picks his words seemingly very wisely as he goes into every situation attempting to be prepared for all that is possible to come and the events that truly will befall this world at some point or another.

    He is a philosopher of life always striving to find yet untold mysteries and entertainment within the world and attempt to achieve what many may call the impossible, he has a passion that drives him that many say has seemingly become lost within this world. He is an easy – going mellow fellow who strives for the yet known and possibly the yet to be unknown, however, he doesn’t truly force his philosophy down the throats of those he encounters or socializes it yet instead seeks to simply enlighten their minds into something they themselves perhaps couldn’t have seen without the help of another. This is a quality that he truly will and intends to search the world to find instead of what many call the normal and the sane he strives to find like-minded thinkers in the search for what else may be beyond this seemingly primitive world. This is why he had taken up the art of magic for it to him isn’t simply a weapon to make the minds and bodies of others crumble to a paste of nothing but rather a chance to enter one’s mind to explore their mind and soul and perhaps open them into a world they couldn’t have seen without you…

    In addition, he puts up a rather interesting façade of being that of a benevolent individual always attempting to disgust his actions as being that of a kind and warm hearted nature, Though even being a mellow individual that puts up a façade at time he still has a rather odd extremely intimidating side of his personality. He has a certain level of respect for all of his fellow guild members, former and present, and has utter faith in their abilities. He possesses a strong winners-mentality, believing that winners get everything in life while losers are denied all, however, this mentality has become a development from his long journey across this world and has also found and views his power and skill as of that of another realm not truly becoming arrogant from this opinion but rather simply that seeing it as his opinion to have confidence within himself for he must be doing something correctly and striving toward the right goals if he has lived this long without fail…

    Dancing: It is a musing how much dance actually is within every day life, and this grew to fascinate Oda. Thus as time continued on he has always had a rather weird connection with dance as he see's it in everyday life.  

    Illusions: Illusions was always something that interested him for  it was a form of mystery and trickery that not everyone could grasp and that is truly why it pulled him in for it wasn't for everyone but it felt like it was just up his ally.

    Cherry Blossoms: These flowers simply smell and look very appealing the Oda and where one of the more lush trees where he was raised thus always having a connection and attraction toward them  in a sense of liking them.  

    Weakness: weakness is something he can't afford to have as he is seeking strong fighters and new challenges everyday thus he hates finding weakness within people or within himself truly having a love hate relationship with it, for without weakness their is no room for improvement but with weakness someone people are truly just worthless within his eyes for life leaving yet another person simply to bore him.

    Boredom: Same as eternal boredom, it just sucks being bored and for him he would rather be out causing mischief than simply sitting around being bored with life.

    Laziness: If you aren't doing something whether it be good or bad than truly why are you alive thus he finds laziness simply another sign of humanities devolution as people grow less and less ambitious.

    Overpowered: Being over powered would lead to a never ending such for someone stronger than him, thus he simply attempts to remain strong without pushing the  limits to far and becoming bored with even himself in life.

    World peace: Is the most boring ideal and one and everyone  has tried to achieve thus with the stall nature that it is surrounded with Oda as chosen to fear it for if it becomes a thing what truly would motivate anyone to improve and grow thus lowly causing the  world around him to lose the fun and  excitement it truly carries every day.

    Eternal Boredom: No one likes being bored, and an eternity  of  simply being bored would be the worst possible punishment thus he  truly fears this becoming a reality.

    Excellent Fighters: Oda always seeks a  challenge to  push his own self further and keep him equally entertained thus find, meeting, battling, or talking with strong fighters or individuals drives him for a rather unknown reason even to himself.

    Mischief: This is a great motivator of Oda for a rather simply reason honestly, because he is a man that truly loves illusions, thus one thing with illusions is the way one wishes to use them is it for fun and creative moments or rather to cause mischief and chaos around them or at least that his how he views it, thus with a love for illusions he has chosen the side of mischief for without mischief how can one understand fun?

    Self Preservation: He is a man that loves himself and can be clearly seen  as self centered in the right light thus self preservation is a motivation for him simply so that he doesn't lose  his edge and can continue causing mischief and achieving his goals throughout time.

    Oda Ryota (Done) PUTnENy
    Hair: Fuchsia (For length look at picture)
    Eyes: Right Eye: Blue, Left Eye: Yellow
    Skin: Pale
    Height: 6’1.5 ft
    Weight: 210 lbs.
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Oda Ryota (Done) JGbM3fC

    Guild: Guildless
    Guild Mark Location: Middle of the back
    Guild Mark Color: Black with a red flare background
    Rank: B Rank

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